Sign up to Kimberley’s BIGGEST and MOST POPULAR Business, Events, Tourism and Accommodation Directory by choosing a package below.

Why sign up for a KCP Listing?
- Rank higher on KCP category pages.
- Recent studies has shown that Google and other search engines rank companies with a detailed listing on trusted local directories higher in search results.
- 87% of people who search for a local business call, e-mail or visit that type of local business within 24 hours
- Show your business is trusted, professional, reliable and provide quality products and services.
- Direct complaints to a platform where problems can be resolved, and your business image be protected.
- We constantly work on new innovations and implement new strategies to drive customers to your business.
- Permanent high quality backlinks.
- Enlarge your internet footprint.
- Be easy to find and to contact.
- Be in your customer’s eye.
Thousands of potential customers visit KCP every day to find businesses providing the service they are looking for, to find specials and to find out what is happening in Kimberley.
If you landed here on error and wish to visit Kimberley City Portal CLICK HERE
MONTHLY DEBIT ORDER PRICE | R0 | R99 | R249 | R349 | R399 |
R0 | R149 | R299 | R399 | R449 |
YEARLY EFT PRICE | R0 | R1188 | R2988 | R4188 | R4788 |
ONCE OFF SETUP FEE | R0 | R100 | R2501 | R3502 | R14903 |
You will select the payment option after clicking on SIGN UP | SIGN UP | SIGN UP | SIGN UP | SIGN UP | SIGN UP |
Company Name | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Address, Location Map & Directions | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Website Link5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E-Mail via Contact Form | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Telephone Numbers | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Business Hours | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Link to Facebook/Twitter | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
No Website Free Domain | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Negative Rating -Notice | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ad Free | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free Event Template | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Front Specials Area | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Event & Specials Marked as Featured | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free Special/Promotion Template | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Request List | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Inline Contact Form | – | – | Option | Yes | Yes |
Optional Team / Owners Area | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Extended Field Set 1 | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Manual Review Submission | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Body HTML Text Headers | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Body HTML Header Backgrounds | – | – | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Body HTML Backgrounds | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Body Fonts & Colours | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Custom Contact Section | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Video Area | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Extended Field Set 2 | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Spot on Front Page Place Slider | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Order,book,buy or view products link | – | – | – | Yes | Yes |
Body Custom Image Headers | – | – | – | – | Yes |
External Links Allowed | – | – | – | – | Yes |
Spot on Front Page Special Slider6 | – | – | – | – | Yes |
Max specials loaded per month | – | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Max events loaded per month | – | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Category Limit4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | e-mail alias | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 |
Gallery Images | – | 2 | 7 | 15 | 30 |
Max Custom Featured Image Designs | – | 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 |
Body Content | Text Only | Text Only | Basic HTML | Limited HTML | Full HTML |
Main Listing Image | – | Basic | Standard | Premium | BESPOKE |
Listing Body | Plain Text | Plain Text | TextPlus | Premium | BESPOKE |
Monthly prices below are for debit order subscriptions. There is an extra R50 per month charge for non debit order payments. Yearly payments = Debit order price x 12
MONTHLY | R99 | R249 |
SETUP FEE | R100 | R2501 |
MONTHLY | R349 | R399 |
SETUP FEE | R3502 | R14903 |
Start with a free listing |
Listing examples for Platinum, Gold+, Gold and Silver Packages.
Free extras included on paid packages
Event Website & Facebook Postings
Your event will be posted as a stand alone item after creation and thereafter included in daily/weekly posts.
Daily/Weekly Posts
Daily & Weekly Posts are created for: Events, Specials & Promotions and Where to Eat categories.
- What’s on This Week – Posted Monday’s
Deadline Fridays 9am. - Klein Saterdag posts on Wednesday mornings. – Wednesday night events.
Deadline Mondays 9pm - What’s on This weekend. Posted on Wednesdays – Upcoming weekend events.
Deadline Mondays 9pm. - What’s on This weekend. Posted Fridays.
Deadline Wednesdays 9pm - What’s on this Saturday & Sunday. Posted Saturdays.
Deadline Wednesdays 9pm
All items must be submitted via e-mail at least 2 full working days before date of placement, if not not included under the above deadlines.
Please e-mail Event Information to and special & promotions to
Include full text in editable format as well as imaging in the original design format such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Publisher, Word or Power point.
If there are no pre designed imaging we will create a template optimized for web and social sharing for your company and incorporate any supplied high quality high res photos, images and text into the template.
When we create group events, specials and promotion posts the order of importance of included items are: Paid for Specials & Events, then per the listing package in order of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Free Packages.
*Post may be combined or split up further depending on the amount of items.
*The amount of free specials and promotions per week may be limited.
*Free extras are subject to change at any time.
Front Page Sliding Ad Banners
There are 4 sliding banners on the KCP Front Page: Where2Eat Specials & Promotions, Where2Eat Places, Events and Places. The banner on a slider is displayed in random order which is reset at random intervals.
Where 2 Eat Specials & Promotions – Free for Platinum Packages
5To qualify for this spot you must always have at least 1 special running
Where 2 Eat Places – Free for Gold & Platinum Packages
Events – Free for Gold & Platinum Packages
To quality the event must be submitted at least one full month before the event date.
Places – Free for Gold & Platinum Packages
Optional Extras
You can add the following options during checkout.
- NOTE 1 – Silver Listing: Upgrade primary image to Premium+ Image. +R450 once off.
- NOTE 2 – Gold Listing: Upgrade primary image to Premium+ Image. +R450 once off.
- NOTE 3 – The once off design of a Platinum Listing can also be paid monthly with 12 payments of R150.00
- NOTE 4 – Extra Categories: R25 p/m
- NOTE 5 – Dependant on a footer backlink from your website.
- NOTE 6 – To quality you must have at least 1 special/promotion running at all times.
Multi Listing / Small Business / One Man Show / Township Discounts may not be combined. KGHA and NOCCI discounts may not be combined. Not applicable to basic listings.
Where multiple discounts are applicable discounts will not be added together but applied one of the other in the order determined by Kimberley City Portal.
Multi Listing Discounts Option 1
Listings for different businesses, being run on the same premises owned by the same person or company, or listing of multiple branches of the same business with the same owners.
• Two listings: 30% discount on the 2nd listing.
• Three Listings: 40% discount on the 3rd listing.
• Listing 4 and up: 50% discount on 4th and up listings.
Multi Listing Discounts Option 2
Listings for different businesses with the same owner.
• Two listings: 10% discount on the 2nd listing.
• Three Listings: 20% discount on the 3rd listing.
• Listing 4 and up: 30% discount on 4th and up listings.
*MULTI LISTING DISCOUNTS: The packages will be ordered from the most expensive package to the least expensive when discounts are applied.
Small Business Discount 40%
To qualify the business must be 100% locally owned and run and have a yearly gross profit of less than R1 000 000.00.
A yearly letter confirming the above is required from both the owner and the business’ accountant.
Not for franchises.
One Man Show Discount 60%
Micro businesses not trading under a cc, company or trust with no official business premises (an online business or working from home).
A yearly letter from the owner confirming this is required.
Part time activities: Part time activities such as babysitting and dog walking. 100% discount on Basic Listings.
Township Discount 50%
To qualify the business must be located in Galeshewe, Roodepan or Greenpoint, must be 100% locally owned and run, and have a yearly gross profit of less than R500 000.00.
A yearly letter confirming the above is required from both the owner and the business’ accountant.
Kimberley Guest House Association Discount 10%
If you are a registered paid up member of KGHA you may apply for this discount. If your membership lapses you must immediately notify KCP via e-mail, and confirm reception. If not you will be liable to pay for any discounts received while not a member in good standing.
With you application for a KGHA members discount you authorise KCP to at any time request your membership status from KGHA.
NOCCI Discount 10%
If you are a registered paid up member of NOCCI you may apply for this discount. If your membership laps you must immediately notify KCP via e-mail, and confirm reception. If not you will be liable to pay for any discounts received while not a member in good standing.
With your application for a NOCCI members discount you authorise KCP to at any time request your membership status from NOCCI.
KCP Listing discounts for Amphibic Hosting Clients.
Discount on Platinum Listings: R100 off on gold+ hosting or R60 off for silver hosting.
Discount on Gold Listings: R80 off for gold+ hosting or R50 off for silver hosting.
Discount on Bronze Listings: R60 off for gold+ hosting or R50 off for silver hosting.
(Not valid for clients already making use of a promotional/discounted hosting package.
If you already receive a discount the average listing discount % will be deducted off the Website discount amount)
Discounts for Amphibic hosting clients will not be applicable for any month in which there are/were outstanding amounts on client’s KCP or Amphibic account.
Applying for discounts
To apply for discounts please e-mail your request and supporting documents to
All specials and discounts are given on the discretion of KCP and is subject to change at any time.
Discounts will only be effective from the date of approval.
More information and details
- Design fees are subsidised. If a contract is cancelled before the end of the minimum initial period or if any monthly payments in the initial period is not made on time the total outstanding amount of all payments still to be made during the initial contract period will become payable immediately.
- Special Offers Area: 1 Free Update per month
- e-mail Aliases: With an e-mail address you can use an e-mail address like All e-mails sent to this address will be directed to your a current e-mail addess or addresses. e-mail Addresses: Instead of an e-mail alias you can also opt for a free 100mb mailbox. No free remote or telephonic support is provided for free mailboxes but support will be provided via our online ticket system. If you wish to increase the size of the mailbox, this can be done at a nominal monthly fee. - Custom Contact Area: An area at the bottom of the content section summarising contact details. With Platinum listings extra functions such as a “Book Now” link directing the client to your booking service, or a custom booking form can also be created.
- Free Domain Name: A free domain name can be registered for clients with no websites who cannot take advantage of discounts on web hosting with Amphibic. The domain name will direct to your listing. This way your listing can function as a “mini website” for you business.
If you wish to transfer the domain elsewhere at a later date a transfer fee of R950 will be levied. - Lead Time: Listings will be completed within a maximum of 16 workings days after full payment and all information, photos and graphics were received in the specified format. Time waiting on the client for feedback or information excluded
MONTHLY | R99 | R249 |
SETUP FEE | R100 | R2501 |
MONTHLY | R349 | R399 |
SETUP FEE | R3502 | R14903 |
Start with a free listing |